
Dedicant Path Definition

Wisdom is good judgment. It is the ability to understand people and situations correctly. It is the ability to think about different solutions and decide on the correct response.

Webster Dictionary Definition

1a: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : Insight

b: good sense : Judgement

c: generally accepted belief challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians— Robert Darnton

d: accumulated philosophical or scientific learning : Knowledge

2a wise attitude, belief, or course of action

3the teachings of the ancient wise men

Wisdom, when I hear the word Wisdom, I think my father. He has always given me good advice in my life, either from his past mistakes or his successes. When a person disrespected my mother in public, instead of engaging in Violence he realized the person was not right of mind, an choose to step away from the situation.  Wisdom to me is the ability to do what you feel is going to be the right thing to do based off past experiences in one’s life through your failures and successes. I try to live day by day growing from the lessons I have learned from the past.  I have made mistakes in my life, where you would say I was not Wise, but those mistakes have made me what I am today. Learn from your past so you may do better today.