
Preformed Mabon Ritual today September 24th 2022 in front of my altar. This would be the first ritual I performed which was broadcasted by Dancing Lights grove, ADF via their Facebook page. On my altar as sacrifices were cornmeal, honey, and oil. Was not sure if I was to provide offerings myself, but it felt right to do so. The Deity of the Occasion was Dagda, and the Gate Keeper was Manannan mac Lir. During the offerings, I also honored my patrons, Odin and Hel. The ritual I felt flowed smoothly, only mistake I made was I did not bring bread or ale for the ancestors, but I believe they will forgive my misstep this time, instead they received cornmeal. During the two powers, which was different for me as I was not doing the 9 breath each Power but visualizing the mist, but it was rather powerful with the visions being vivid. The Omen the grove drew was the otter with a fern in the background, meaning, having fun in our daily lives even if we must schedule it in there. I look forward to doing more rituals in this format; it was a pleasant change.