
Imbolc, the beginning of spring, the time of year when the sun is just starting to be present more during the day, bringing us out of the dark part of the year. Imbolc is associated with the beginning of spring. I often celebrated it by spring cleaning, getting my house and life in order.

Imbolc comes from the word Ewe’s milk, often celebrated by eating something creamy like Fondue or drinking Milk. You would sow your seeds during this time for crops in the fall. Imbolc is often considered a woman’s Holiday as it is centered on The Goddess Brigid. Brigid is a Fire Goddess of the Irish Patheon. Brigid is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, amongst other traits. Brigid will visit your home in the evening on this day, and to receive her blessings you would provide a place for her to sleep and leave offerings like food and drink for her. You would also leave clothing outside and she will bless them for you. Imbolc consequently is also the period where in United States we would have Ground hog day, in the past history they would have something similar where they would see if reptiles or Badgers would come out of there borrows or not, to forecast if the winter will be longer.

Bower, Iona. “Celebrate: Imbolc.” The Simple Things, The Simple Things, 1 Feb. 2020,

“Brigid.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Jan. 2022,

“Imbolc.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Jan. 2022,