ADF dedicant Requirements

Hail and welcome, this will be a place for my adf dedicant Journal as i go thru the DP.


1 : Written discussions of the Dedicant’s understanding of each of the following nine virtues: wisdom, piety,
vision, courage, integrity, perseverance, hospitality, moderation and fertility. The Dedicant may also include other
virtues, if desired, and compare them to these nine. (125 words minimum each)

wisdompietyvisioncourageintegrity, perseverancehospitalitymoderation and fertility (11-28-22 submission Passed)

2 : Short essays on each of the eight ADF High Days including a discussion of the meaning of each feast. (125
words minimum each) Samhain Yule Imbloc Ostara Beltane Litha Lughnasadh Mabon (Submission passed 02-26-2023)

3 : Short book reviews on at least: 1 Indo-European studies title, 1 preferred ethnic study title and 1 modern
Paganism title. These titles can be selected from the recommended reading list in the Dedicant Program manual or
the ADF web site, or chosen by the student, with prior approval of the Preceptor. (325 word minimum each) The History of Pagan Europe GODS AND MYTHS OF NORTHERN EUROPE

Drawing Down the Moon

(Submission Passed 05-15-2023)

4 : A brief description, with photos if possible, of the Dedicant’s home shrine and plans for future
improvements. (150 words minimum) (12-11-22 submission passed)

5 : An essay focusing on the Dedicants’ understanding of the meaning of the “Two Powers” meditation or
other form of ‘grounding and centering’, as used in meditation and ritual. This account should include impressions
and insights that the Dedicant gained from practical experience. (300 word minimum) Two Powers Mediation (12-11-22 submission passed)

6 : An essay or journal covering the Dedicant’s personal experience of building mental discipline, through the
use of meditation, trance, or other systematic techniques on a regular basis. The experiences in the essay or journal
should cover at least a five months period. (800 words minimum)
(12-26-22 submission passed)

7 : An account of the Dedicant’s efforts to work with nature, honor the Earth, and understand the impacts and
effects of the Dedicant’s lifestyle choices on the environment and/or the local ecosystem and how she or he could
make a difference to the environment on a local level. (500 word minimum)
(12-26-22 submission passed)

8 : A brief account of each High Day ritual attended or performed by the Dedicant in a twelve month period.
High Days attended/performed might be celebrated with a local grove, privately, or with another Neopagan group.
At least 4 of the rituals attended/performed during the training period must be ADF-style. (100 words minimum
Highday Rituals (11-12-22 submission passed)

9 : ONE essay describing the Dedicants understanding of and relationship to EACH of the Three Kindred:
the Spirits of Nature, the Ancestors and the Gods. (300 words minimum for each Kindred and 1000 words total)
(12-27-22 submission passed)

10 : A brief account of the efforts of the Dedicant to develop and explore a personal (or Grove-centered)
spiritual practice, drawn from a specific culture or combination of cultures. (600 words minimum)
(1-24-2023 submission passed)

11 : The text of the Dedicant’s Oath Rite and a self-evaluation of the Dedicant’s performance of the rite. (500
word minimum)
(Submission Passed 05-15-2023)