Beltane Ritual

I performed my Beltane Ritual in front of my altar, following the Core order of Ritual. The major deities of the occasion were Frey, Freya, and Braggi. The Gatekeeper was Heimdall; for my offerings, I had olive oil, cornmeal, ale, and fresh yellow and white flowers. I drew 4 omens, first omen drawn was to see if my offerings to Frey and Freya were acceptable. I drew Ehwaz, which was a favorable omen. The rest of omens were the Ancestors I drew Othala, and for the Nature Spirits I drew Isa, and lastly for the Gods and Goddesses, I drew Eihwaz. Overall, I liked this Ritual, had a strong feeling of a Feminine Presence. The only thing I had problems with was Germanic Pronunciation again, still stumbling over some words.