
Lughnasadh or Lammas for the Anglo Saxons is one of the 8 high days sabbaths we observe. Centered on August 1st it is also widely celebrated for 30 days between July 15th an August 15th traditionally. Lughnasdh is mainly Gaelic and is celebrated throughout Ireland. It is a festival structured around the period in which it is time to harvest your crops which have been maturing for most of the year. During this time there are contests of athletic proportions, most notably in the past: the Tailteann games, feasts, matchmaking, and trading. Lughnasadh is named after the Irish God Lugh. Lugh was a warrior and most can identify him by his spear. Different hearth cultures have made this high day their own but the general theme around it is a time for harvest and giving thanks to the spirits and deities of the land. This high day lost its popularity in the past, so I often missed celebrating it, but I hope to revive it in my life.

“Lughnasadh.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Aug. 2022,