
Marium Webster definition

mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty

Adf definition.

DP Definition: “The ability to act appropriately in the face of danger.”

Courage to me has a couple of different meanings. It is a warrior virtue, but I do not think it is limited to warriors. Doing what needs to be done regardless of the danger, either physical harm or emotional. Doing what is uncomfortable for you at the moment to achieve a greater goal. Courage to face down an intruder in the middle of night, Courage to go to court to face the consequences of past choices. Courage to walk into a job interview, or courage to do public speaking. My Hearth Culture Norse relied on courage during battles, to rush into battle and confront the enemy, knowing that they will die. Courage has played a major role in life. To be great at life, you must step out of your comfort zone and have the courage to do so.