Samhain 2021

This will be my First High day after rejoining Adf, and starting back on the Dedicant Path. I put together a ritual using a handful of sources from the Adf website and another members site following the Core Order of Ritual.

Samhain, the name for the day of the dead, or known as Halloween to most now. It is celebrated for welcoming in the Harvest of the crops and bringing the dark half of the year to fruition.  On Samhain the boundaries between Midgard and the underworld are at its thinnest, some celebrate by having a feast for the dead, people brought food to share among their friends, even setting a plate at the table for there ancestors.  People dressed up usually wearing animal heads and skins of slayed animals, told each other fortunes and celebrated around a huge bonfire. After the celebration they would bring back to there homes the flame from the bonfire to relight their hearth to protect them and keep them warm for the upcoming winter.

For me growing up, I celebrated Halloween by going out Trick or Treating every year, dressed up as different things, with it being Florida we usually did not stay out too long as it was too hot usually.  Going forward I now Celebrate Samhain with a new passion, as family members grew older and passed away, I now take this time to remember them.

The altar was setup with the three Cosmos, the fire, the well, and the Tree. The offerings were, silver for the well, Ale for the Outdwellers, Cornmeal and Ale for the three Kindreds.  The Blessings  for the Ancestors was Perthro and for the Land wights Eihwaz and for the Gods Gebo. I had a good feeling afterwards, and I feel it went well for my first ritual in over 5 years.