Yule 2021 req8

This High Day Ritual was for Yule. I did it on December 24th 2021. I performed the ritual following the Core Order of Ritual alone in front of my home shrine. It was a beautifully done ritual, first performed by Stone Creed Grove in 1999. The altar was setup with my singing bowl used as my bell to open the ritual, the fire, the well, offering holders for cornmeal, olive oil, and my chalice shaped as a horn filled with ale. Along with these, in the background, was my tapestry representing the Yggdrasil. The offerings I had available were cornmeal for the earth mother, and the out-dwellers. Silver for the well and I offered ale to the three kindreds. I offered olive oil to the Gatekeeper, an both ale, and oil were offered to the Aesir and the Vanir. The Earth Mother was Holda and Berchta. The Gate Keeper was Heimdall, and the God and Goddess of this rite were Thor, Loki, Odin, Tyr, Heimdall, Frigga, Idun, Frey and Freya. The Blessing was Laguz, I interpreted it as meaning look I need to start trusting my gut feelings, and expect change if that is what I want.

The Ritual was harder to perform than I had first realized. I will need to do a practice run before I try another lengthy ritual; pronunciation is still difficult for me with the Germanic names. I will also need to work on giving more offerings as at the end I have a surplus. I just did not want to run out was my thought process in the end. In the middle of the ritual,, it involved turning off all the lights and just have the light from the candles illuminating. That would have been okay, but I was reading from a script, so again, doing a dry run probably would have been best. This ritual was originally a grove ritual, so I went through it beforehand and made it more solitary, so not sure how I missed certain details. What went right, the flow of the ritual felt right, I could feel most of the Deities around me, either smiling or laughing. I had a lot of fun with it, and the next day I spent with my Family.